May 16, 2018

A majority of children between the ages of 10 and 13 will have some kind of problem when their adult teeth come in. In many children, the problems are limited to minor cases of overcrowding or gaps between teeth. However, some children will absolutely require early orthodontics. Although kids may not like the idea of wearing braces throughout junior high and high school, there are many advantages to gain by taking your kids to our orthodontist in Riverview, FL early in life.

It Prevents More Extensive Treatments Later On

Many orthodontists are hesitant to provide orthodontic treatment to very young children, which typically means children younger than 10, because the jaw is still developing. The orthodontist instead takes advantage of this fact and will use special devices to treat the malocclusions. One such device is a palatal expander, which is used to create more space in the patient’s upper dental arch. Once this is done there is a greater likelihood the adult teeth will emerge in more ideal positions.

It Possibly Prevents the Removal of Teeth

In some instances early intervention prevents the need for teeth to be extracted. With regard to overcrowding, braces may be ineffective until more space is available in the mouth. This requires the orthodontist to extract a tooth to make room and this is naturally an extensive process. Most children would prefer to retain their natural teeth if possible.

It Is Easier for the Orthodontist to Monitor Growth

Even if our orthodontist does not have to do anything now, it is still an opportunity to monitor a child’s adult teeth coming in. We can follow their development and in the event treatment is required later down the road, we already have X-rays and documents on file to begin treatment effectively.

You Can Schedule Your Appointment Today

Dr. Matt Ahrens is here to help children and adults alike have healthier smiles with early orthodontics. Call South Shore Orthodontics in Riverview, FL today if you are ready to learn about potential treatment options for you or your child’s oral health.



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